Kouku-Kousen-Satellite-1, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology

Am 23.01.2009 um 03:54 UTC startete eine H-IIA F15 Rakete vom Tanegashima Space Center in Japan. Hauptnutzulast war GOSAT (Ibuki), der weltweit erste Satellit, der den Klimawandel untersuchen soll. Als Piggiback Payload waren noch 6 weitere Satelliten an Bord. Um 04:24 UTC wurde KKS-1 separiert.
NASA-Catalog: 33499
437.445 MHz, FM AFSK
437.385 MHz, CW

Orbital Parameter
NORAD #33499 COSPAR Bezeichnung 2009-002-H Inklination (Grad) 98.031 RAAN 138.722 Excentrizität 0.0011316 ARGP 56.857 Umläufe pro Tag 14.70656065 Periode 1h 37m 54s (97.90 Min) Semi-major axis 7 037 km Perigäum x Apogäum 651 x 667 km Bstar (drag Faktor) 0.000073093 1/ER Mean Anomaly 303.370
A 150mm 3kg cubesat to demonstrate micro thruster attitude control, also three dimensional small reaction wheels. Will include camera, telemetry and a message relay service for amateurs. Downlink on 70cm with uplinks on 2m. The goal is to perform a demonstration of the micro cluster and three axis attitude control functions.
CW Telemetrie
CW Mode 0 (nach Neustart)
1 HELLO THIS IS KKS-1 2 8-52-11 MINAMI-SENZYU ARAKAWA-KU TOKYO-TO JAPAN 3 Tokyo Metoropolitan College of Industrial Technology 4 http://www.kouku-k.ac.jp/~kks-1 5 JQ1YYY 6 [yy]/[mm]/[dd] [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
CW Mode 1 (nach empfangenem Kommando)
1 HELLO THIS IS KKS-1 2 [Battery voltage] [Discharge current of battery] [Charge current of battery] [Bus voltage] 3 [5V voltage for transmitter] [5V voltage for circuit] [12V voltage] [5V current for transmitter] [5V current for circuit] [12V current] [Mission circuit current] 4 [Satellite temperature ] [No.1 thermistor output of transmitter ] [No.2 thermistor output of transmitter] [Battery temperature] 5 [solar battery output from X+ side] [solar battery output from Y+ side] [solar battery output from Z+ side] [solar battery output from X- side] 6 [Number of counts of SEL incidence] [SEL incidence time] 7 [yy]/[mm]/[dd] [hh]:[mm]:[ss] 8 [yy]/[mm]/[dd] [hh]:[mm]:[ss] 9 R [UL latest command] [Current status of processing]
CW Mode 2 (Quittung auf Kommando)
R [UL latest command] [Current status of processing]
CW Mode 3 (SAFE Mode)
1 HELLO THIS IS KKS-1 2 JQ1YYY 3 [Battery voltage] [Discharge current of battery] [Charge current of battery] [Bus voltage] 4 [yy]/[mm]/[dd] [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
CW bake aktiv
erste empfangene Telemetrie
23.01.2009, 1030 UTC ....41 project tokyo metrop... 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 23.01.2009, 1208 UTC ..........m tokyo metropolitan college of industrial technology 3 toky kks-1 project tokyo metropolitan college of industrial technn 5 jq1yyy 5 yq1yyy 5 yq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 yq1yyy

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