Organism/ORganic Exposure to Orbital Stress
O/OREOS Satellit

The O/OREOS satellite is NASA’s first cubesat to demonstrate the capability to have two distinct, completely independent science experiments on an autonomous satellite. One experiment will test how microorganisms survive and adapt to the stresses of space; the other will monitor the stability of organic molecules in space.

The overall goal of the O/OREOS mission is to demonstrate the capability to do low-cost science experiments on autonomous nanosatellites in space in support of the Astrobiology Small Payloads program under the Planetary Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA’s Headquarters. NASA’s Ames Small Spacecraft Division manages the O/OREOS mission while all operations will be conducted by staff and students from the Robotic Systems Laboratory[1] at Santa Clara University. Scientists will apply the knowledge they gain while investigating the space environment and studying how exposure to space changes biology to help to answer Astrobiology’s fundamental questions on the origin, evolution, and distribution of life.

Launched as part of the STP-S26 mission on Nov 20th, 01:24 UTC from Kodiak, Alaska on board a Minotaur IV rocket. All satellites are placed into a 650 km altitude, 72 degree inclination circular orbit.

NASA-Catalog: 37224

Beacon437.305 MHz 1k2 AFSK, FM Telemetriebake O/OREOS 1k2 AFSK





Orbital Parameter

Name                    OOREOS
NORAD                   37224
COSPAR Bezeichnung      2010-062-C  
Inklination (Grad)      71.973
RAAN                    77.712
Excentrizität           0.0021502
ARGP                    260.695
Umläufe pro Tag         14.76865884
Periode                 1h 37m 30s (97.50 Min)
Semi-major axis         7017 km
Perigäum x Apogäum      624 x 654 km
Mean Anomaly            99.178


The data portion of a standard AX.25 packet is 64 bytes long, although only the first 62 bytes are considered for the O/OREOS packet. The beacon packet contains only standard ASCII characters. Each character represents a HEX value. Below is an example of the 64-byte long raw data:

KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    0A69320244027B02250200A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    0F6932030000750201050031020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    23693203F901740201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    28693200C80071021FA402A702000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    2D6932011B017902028102A301270007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    326932026F027E02255800A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    3C693200470071021FA4029802000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    406932017C037A02028102A301280007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    4569320202007D02255700A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    50693200D00173021EA402A302000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    5569320100007A020281021800280007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    5A69320200007B02250000A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    64693200140076021EA402A702000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    6969320100007A020281020300280007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    6E6932022E017902255800A30180005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    726932033400710201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    78693200000076021FA402A502000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    7D69320104007902028102A301220007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    8269320200007902255700A30180005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    9169320100007902028102A301280007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    A569320100007902028102A301280007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    BE69320200007B02250000A30180005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    C369320300006F0201030031020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    CD69320100007A02028102A301210008020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    D769320308026E0201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    EB69320328026F0201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    F569320133017902028102A301280008020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    FF6932030000700201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    036A32005F0073021EA502A702000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    276A3203EF006D0201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0: OOREOS.org    366A32023C007802255700A30180005A000D5F094300204B46

…die ersten Daten aus Europa – 04:20 UTC (nur 10° Elevation)

Battery Charge State
0 = Not full, Charging
1 = Full, Not Charging
2 = Discharging, Vbatt > 7.5V
3 = Discharging, Vbatt 7.5 - 7.3V
4 = Discharging, Vbatt < 7.3V

If the battery state is full, not charging, a pin will be activated to let the payload know the battery is at full charge.

Power Management Mode
0: Disabled (uHard on 100%)
1: Duty cycle for SEU protection
2: Relative time mode
3. Absolute time mode

O/OREOS Telemetry Decoder

O/OREOS Telemetry Decoder

Einfaches Tool zur Dekodierung der Telemetriedaten aus einem Textfile und Anzeige der Telemetriewerte. Ausgewertet wird der String OOREOS.org, dabei ist es unabhängig, was vor dem eigentlichen UI Frame Inhalt steht. Jeder Telemetriewert kann einzeln über den gesamten Zeitraum in einem Balkendiagramm dargestellt werden. Mit der Option -Show all Values- werden alle Werte (der ältere Wert wird überschrieben) angezeigt. Zudem (optional) wird ein *.TLM File erzeugt, in dem die einzelnen konvertierten Werte im Klartext abgespeichert werden.

Beispiel für ein geeignetes Inputfile

KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    0A69320244027B02250200A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    0F6932030000750201050031020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    23693203F901740201A30131020100D0030D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    28693200C80071021FA402A702000271000D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    2D6932011B017902028102A301270007020D5F094300204B46
KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud): OOREOS.org    326932026F027E02255800A3017F005A000D5F094300204B46

Download Version 0.2 BETA [22.11.2010]

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