
GAUSS (La Sapienza University of Rome)

The satellite is built in 50cm x 50cm x50cm box-shape bus, optimized for piggy-back launch. All instruments are powered by solar cells mounted on the spacecraft body, with maximal electrical power of 30W. Satellite has no on-orbit propulsion or attitude control, and only passive attitude stabilization system based on permanent magnets. Unisat-6 released in orbit four Cubesats, 25 hours and 38 minutes after the separation from the Dnepr Launch Vehicle. This timing was requested in order to comply with the specifications of the launcher and to make the release just a few minutes before being visible from Rome. Those cubesat satellites are 2U ANTELSAT, AeroCube-6, 3U LEMUR-1 and 3U TigriSat.

NASA-Catalog: 40012


437.426 MHz FM 9k6 FSK AX.25





Orbital Parameter

NORAD                   40012
COSPAR designator       2014-033-C  
Inclination             97.971
RA of A. Node           131.042
Eccentricity            0.0061375
Argument of Perigee     347.505
Revs per day            14.71505349
Period                  1h 37m 51s (97.85 min)
Semi-major axis         7 034 km
Perigee x Apogee        613 x 699 km
BStar (drag term)       0.000147630 1/ER
Mean anomaly            12.463


2014-06-20 06:23:37.040 UTC: from IZ0VXZ to II0US (UI, payload: 66 byte)
000 > C0 00 92 92 60 AA A6 40 60 92 B4 60 AC B0 B4 E1 03 F0 55 53 
020 > 36 76 0F 00 00 01 38 01 00 28 32 5D 02 96 A7 BA B7 0F 0E 1A 
040 > 00 01 00 4D 00 29 FF DB DD 00 B8 01 0F 01 15 9F AE 2F 40 7B 
060 > 8D 3E 8E 00 58 00 91 0E 83 0E AA 0E 61 00 39 01 49 01 0B 00 
080 > 08 00 00 02 89 C0 

2014-06-20 06:24:16.760 UTC: from IZ0VXZ to II0US (UI, payload: 66 byte)
000 > C0 00 92 92 60 AA A6 40 60 92 B4 60 AC B0 B4 E1 03 F0 55 53 
020 > 36 7A 0F 00 00 01 38 01 00 74 CE 5D 02 BE A7 BA B7 0F 0E F0 
040 > FF 3F 00 C7 FF 7B FE 7C 01 EA FF 03 01 15 9E AC 30 40 78 8D 
060 > 3E 6B 00 4C 00 50 05 45 05 6C 05 01 00 31 04 A5 01 11 00 08 
080 > 00 00 02 19 C0 

first telemetry

struct unisat6_beacon02
	uint8_t syncPacket[3]; 		//It contains the bytes: U S 6 
	uint16_t packetIndex;		//Index of packet
	uint16_t groundIndexAck;	//ACK to ground commands
	uint8_t packetType;		//value "1" for beacon02
	uint8_t payloadSize;		
	uint16_t payloadSize;		
	uint32_t uptime;		//Milliseconds since last reboot
	uint32_t unixTime;		//Seconds since 1970
	int8_t tempMCU;			//Temperature CPU
	int8_t tempFPGA;		//Temperature FPGA
	int16_t magnetometer[3];	//Magnetometer X, Y, Z readings
	int16_t gyroscope[3];		//Gyroscope X, Y, Z readings
	uint16_t cpuCurrent;
	int8_t tempRadio;
	uint8_t payloadReserved[2];
	uint8_t temperatureBottom;
	uint8_t temperatureUpperPart;
	uint8_t payloadReserved;
	uint16_t eps_Vbat;		//Battery voltage in mV
	uint16_t eps_currentSun;	//Current from solar panels in mA
	uint16_t eps_currentOut;	//Current comsuption by the satellite
	uint16_t eps_Vpanel01;		//Voltage in mV from bottom panels
	uint16_t eps_Vpanel02;		//Voltage in mV from panels B & D
	uint16_t eps_Vpanel03;		//Voltage in mV from panels A & C
	uint16_t eps_current01;		//Current in mA from bottom panels
	uint16_t eps_current02;		//Current in mA from panels B & D
	uint16_t eps_current03;		//Current in mA from panels A & C
	uint16_t eps_batTemperature;	//Temperature of the batteries
	uint8_t payloadReserved;		
	uint16_t satelliteErrorFlags;
	uint8_t	satelliteOperationStatus;
	uint8_t crc;			//Last 8 bits of a 16bit CRC-CCITT-BR

Links und weitere Informationen




The liftoff of the 20th Dnepr rocket, took place as scheduled on June 19, 2014, at 19:11:11 UTC from an underground silo facility No. 370/13 in the Dombarosvsky ICBM deployment area in southern Russia. The rocket carried the KazEOSat-2 (DZZ-MRES) remote-sensing satellite for the imaging of the Earth surface, which was built by the European consortium Airbus Defense and Space for the government of Kazakhstan and a cluster of 36 secondary payloads for customers from 17 countries, including Deimos-2, Hodoyoshi-3, Hodoyoshi-4, BugSat-1, SaudiSat-4, AprizeSat-9, AprizeSat-10, UniSat-6, Tigrisat, AeroCube 6, ANTELSAT, Lemur-1, BRITE-CA 1, BRITE-CA 2, NanosatC-Br1, Duchifat-1, Perseus-M1, Perseus-M2, QB50P1, QB50P, Tablesat-Avrora, 11 satellites Flock-1c, POPSAT-HIP 1, PACE, PolyITAN, DTUSat-2.